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Jim Palis

Jim Palis

Jim Palis


Jim Palis is Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY. As a Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist, he cared for children with hematologic disorders for more than 20 years. Since 1991, Dr. Palis has also conducted continuously extramurally funded research focused on better understanding the developmental origins of the blood system and erythroid cell biology. He investigated the emergence of primitive and definitive hematopoietic potential in the early post-implantation mouse embryo and characterized the robust wave of definitive erythro-myeloid-megakaryocyte progenitors that emerge in the yolk sac and differentiate in the fetal liver prior to HSCs. Dr. Palis has served as founding organizer of the trainee pre-meeting workshop at the International Society of Experimental Hematology annual meeting, and has chaired the Red Cells Gordon Research Conference, several NIH workshops, and the Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Scientific subcommittee of the American Society of Hematology.