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Emery Bresnick

Emery Bresnick

Emery Bresnick

University of Wisconsin, USA

Dr. Bresnick’s multidisciplinary research, which has been continuously funded by the NIH since 1997, focuses on normal and malignant hematopoiesis and genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Dr. Bresnick joined University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1994 and is currently Professor of Cell and Regenerative Biology, Affiliate Professor of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology), Founding Director of the Wisconsin Blood Cancer Research Institute and Co-Director of the Cancer Genetics Program of the Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Bresnick has provided extensive leadership to the NIH and multiple foundations: Chair of National Institutes of Health Study Sections; ASH committees: Scientific Affairs, Precision Medicine Task Force, Government Affairs, Training, PhD Task Force; Director of K2R Program; International Society for Experimental Hematology Committees: Board of Directors, Scientific Program, Finance; Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: Career Development Program Grant Review Committee. Dr. Bresnick serves or has served on Editorial Boards of Blood, J. Biol. Chem., Mol. Cell. Biol., Nucleic Acids Res., Bioessays and Blood Science. Dr. Bresnick has been honored with multiple awards including the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar, NIH Research Career Development Award, NIH MERIT R37, Shaw Scholar, Romnes, Kellett Mid-Career, WARF professorship (Gary Felsenfeld Professor of Cell and Regenerative Biology), Gwendolyn and Lowell Smythe endowed professorship and UW Medical Foundation Professor of Cell and Regenerative Biology. His trainees have been honored with distinguished awards including Hilldale Scholar, Herbert Tabor Young Investigator Award, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Senior Fellow and ASH Scholar Award. Dr. Bresnick was voted to be co-vice-chair and subsequently co-chair of the Red Cell Gordon Conference. He has made important contributions as an educator, e.g., he developed a course on Fundamentals of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, teaches graduate/undergraduate students in Cellular Signaling Mechanisms and taught endocrine pharmacology to medical students. Dr. Bresnick is passionate about training the next-generation of multidisciplinary research scientists/scholars and launching them into independent research careers. This is exemplified by the success of his doctoral and postdoctoral trainees, as well as his faculty mentees. He is dedicated to building alliances with collaborators to develop synergistic scientific advances and enhance opportunities for student/postdoctoral training and junior faculty mentoring. Dr. Bresnick’s program in hematology, cancer biology and genome science provides ample opportunity for trainees to develop state-of-the-art expertise in critical thinking, rigorous experimental analysis and strategies to succeed in independent biomedical research.