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George Vassiliou

George Vassiliou

George Vassiliou

Sanger Institute, UK

George Vassiliou is Professor of Haematological Medicine at the University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK Senior Fellow and Consultant Haematologist at Cambridge University Hospitals. He studied Medicine at the Royal London Hospital and trained as a Haematologist in London and Cambridge. He obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2005 and went on to investigate the pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukaemia as a Cancer Research UK Clinician Scientist in Allan Bradley’s lab at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.  He became a Wellcome Senior Fellow and a member of faculty at the Sanger Institute in 2011 and moved to the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute in 2019. 

The Vassiliou Group seeks to understand the cell-autonomous and cell-non-autonomous processes involved in transformation of normal to leukaemic haemopoietic stem cells and to identify genetic vulnerabilities of myeloid malignancies that can be exploited as targets of novel anti-leukaemic therapies. To achieve these aims the group uses three main approaches:Application of genetic screens to identify and investigate genetic vulnerabilities of acute myeloid leukaemia and related cancers in order to develop new therapeutic approaches.Generation and study of bespoke mouse models of somatic mutation drivers of myeloid malignancies, in order to define their molecular, genomic and phenotypic effects on haemopoietic stem and progenitor cells.Detection and tracking of the evolution of clonal haematopoiesis in healthy individuals, in order to understand the factors involved in leukaemic progression and develop new approaches for early detection.