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Timm Schroeder

Timm Schroeder

Timm Schroeder

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Switzerland

Timm Schroeder investigates the molecular control of mammalian hematopoietic and pluripotent stem and progenitor cell fates at the interface of biology, medicine, informatics, and engineering. He pioneered bio-imaging approaches for live long-term single-cell quantification, and combines molecular cell biology, imaging, software development and hardware engineering.
Timm studied Biology, PhD work in Munich/Germany and Kyoto/Japan, postdoc in Munich and Kobe/Japan. Principal Investigator at the Helmholtz Center Munich late 2004, tenured 2008, director of the research unit Stem Cell Dynamics 2011, full professor at ETH Zurich, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (department head 2017-19) in Basel/Switzerland since 2013.