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Shalin Naik

Shalin Naik

Shalin Naik


Assoc. Prof Naik is a graduate of the University of QLD (Microbiology & Biochemistry) and did his PhD with Prof. Ken Shortman on dendritic cell development at WEHI. It was here he gained an interest in single cell tracking and fate determination in biology and was awarded his PhD in 2006. Interested in the emerging technology of ‘cellular barcoding’ Dr Naik did his postdoc in the laboratory of Prof. Ton Schumacher at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, where he traced the single cell output of haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vivo. After returning to WEHI in 2013, he was later appointed as a Laboratory Head in the Immunology Division where his lab uses single cell and clonal systems biology to investigate immunology, cancer and development. Naik has made major contributions to understand haematopoietic stem and progenitor cell heterogeneity using novel tools and approaches. He also set up the Single Cell Open Research Endeavour (SCORE) at WEHI, and is an occasional TV and podcast host.